
What Is a 3D Body Scanner?
This amazing piece of technology will actually scan your entire body in a 360-degree view. It will then use these scans to create a complete 3D image of you so that you can get a complete picture of your body type. This growing trend of using body scanners is taking over different industries across the market. And fitness business owners are seeing great results by offering these scans as a service. Not only will you get an image avatar such as in a video game, but you can also see your exact measurements and metrics such as body fat percentage and lean muscle mass.
Body Scanner Automates Measuring Process
Completely Autonomous and Private. Takes only 35 seconds, only 40 seconds processing time (the fastest scanner on the market). Scan in leggings, shorts and any form fitting clothing. What Body Scanners Cannot Do Getting a better picture of your body composition helps with training and progress tracking. But, it’s important to note that body scanners don’t give a full health picture. They don’t supplement for regular doctor visits and health screenings. There’s no health scanner on the market other than a CAT scan that gives healthcare professionals enough information to diagnose and treat health concerns.
How Accurate is Styku's 3DBody Scanner?
We get asked repeatedly about how valid our measurements are in comparison to older more established methods, like a tape measure or a DEXA scanner. A study led by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at LSU found excellent correlations to both, while also showing Styku outperformed competitive systems in all areas. Circumferences significantly correlated (e.g. R2=0.96 for hip) with a manual tape measure. Volumes are significantly correlated (e.g. R2=0.98 for the Trunk) with a DEXA and correlated (e.g. R2=0.99 for Total Volume) with Air-displacement plethysmography (ADP) Styku outperformed both Fit3D's ProScanner and TC2's KX-16 in correlation strengths.
Interactive 3D Visuals
Stunning and interactive 3D Before/After Viewer with Objective 2D Visual Overlays. Rotate, Pan, and Zoom to view a body from any angle. Accurate and Precise Body Composition. Styku provides DEXA-quality body composition with medical grade accuracy* and consistency at an affordable price and in a non-invasive experience. Using the latest AI technology, Styku can predict your fat mass, bone mass, lean muscle mass, visceral fat, and more.
To learn more. Click the following link :
Understanding Styku Scanner Results
Styku results present themselves in 3D form. But, it also offers recommendations for how to improve body fat percentage. The body fat analysis results let clients compare their body fat percentage to others in their same age and gender category. There’s also a scan history section that allows customers to see a graph that documents each of their scans and the dates. They can also see side by side comparisons of each of their 3D scans. The Styku system also lets clients set body fat percentage loss goals for themselves. Once they set a goal, the system will give them an estimated date for when they’ll complete their goal at the rate they’re currently going. Along with setting fat loss goals, the scanner also gives clients an idea of what their calorie intake should be each day to meet their goals. Styku gives you a calorie intake based on how much energy it expects you to expend. It’s a great motivational tool because it allows clients to see first hand that if they don’t stick to their rules, they won’t reach their goals how they want to. Book your Scan today!
Benefits of a 3D Body Scanner
There are several benefits of having and investing in a bio metric scan!
Some of the top pros of a 3D body scanner include:
Some of the top pros of a 3D body scanner include:
- see real-time image of their body
- see your fat percentages go down even if the scale doesn't
- more accurate than pinching your skin with a caliper
- more convenient than underwater body fat measurements
- less personal than physically putting the measuring tape around your waist and chest
- provides better visualizations for you rather than just raw numbers
Bone, Fat, Muscle Mass and more with a simple 3D scan.
Each component of your body tells a different story about your lifestyle and the journey to a better you.
Styku is the only commercial solution of its kind to measure all three major components
and provides insight on how your fitness and nutritional programs are impacting bone health, lean muscle growth, and fat loss.
If this service sounds right for you please give us a call at 519-339-8999 today to book your appointment.
Treat Yourself Wellness Centre
141 Mitton St. S (Mitton Village) Sarnia Ontario N7T 3C5 Canada |
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9:30am to 7:00pm |
Toll Free (877) 882-1922
or call (519) 339-8999 email: [email protected] |
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The information shared is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experiences of Treat Yourself Wellness Centre (TYWC) and its community. TYWC encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the Food and Drug Administration. These services and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please only apply as you see fits to your own situation, for your own comfort.
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