Low Level Light Therapy
ho is Light Therapy for? Everyone! Why would you be interested in experiencing LED/ Low Level Light Therapy?
LED/ Low Level Light Therapy A.K.A. LLLT is an effective, non-abrasive, non-invasive, and restorative therapy!
Discover the revitalizing power of light. LED light therapy involves the use of light emitting diodes (LED) delivering red, blue and infrared light to the skin. These three (3) wavelengths have shown in clinical studies to stimulate beneficial innate cellular responses increasing circulation and activating the release of nitric oxide.
Many people with complaints of pain associated with the following issues have reported positive results using
LED / Low Level Light Therapy:
Acute neck and back pain Lymph-edema Arthritis
Bone spurs Fractures Concussions / Traumatic Brain Injury / Stroke
Burns Bursitis Carpal tunnel syndrome,
Herpes Shingles Tendon problems
Golfer’s / Tennis Elbow Erectile Dysfunction Psoriasis / Eczema
Slow healing wounds Cellulitis Inflammation
Leg pain Neuralgia Peripheral Neuropathy
Pressure Ulcers Fibromyalgia Trigeminal Neuralgia
Cellular Necrosis Sprains & Strains Diabetic, Statin and Chemotherapy induced Neuropathies
Here is a link to a U-Tube Video on How LED ( aka: Low Level Light Therapy) works
click link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y8j9H5jLqc
LED/ Low Level Light Therapy A.K.A. LLLT is an effective, non-abrasive, non-invasive, and restorative therapy!
Discover the revitalizing power of light. LED light therapy involves the use of light emitting diodes (LED) delivering red, blue and infrared light to the skin. These three (3) wavelengths have shown in clinical studies to stimulate beneficial innate cellular responses increasing circulation and activating the release of nitric oxide.
Many people with complaints of pain associated with the following issues have reported positive results using
LED / Low Level Light Therapy:
Acute neck and back pain Lymph-edema Arthritis
Bone spurs Fractures Concussions / Traumatic Brain Injury / Stroke
Burns Bursitis Carpal tunnel syndrome,
Herpes Shingles Tendon problems
Golfer’s / Tennis Elbow Erectile Dysfunction Psoriasis / Eczema
Slow healing wounds Cellulitis Inflammation
Leg pain Neuralgia Peripheral Neuropathy
Pressure Ulcers Fibromyalgia Trigeminal Neuralgia
Cellular Necrosis Sprains & Strains Diabetic, Statin and Chemotherapy induced Neuropathies
Here is a link to a U-Tube Video on How LED ( aka: Low Level Light Therapy) works
click link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y8j9H5jLqc
We offer this healing, relaxing service within our wellness centre and rental until for home use.
Plus we are your local representative to sell Low Level Light Therapy Systems for home use. We are your experts!
Plus we are your local representative to sell Low Level Light Therapy Systems for home use. We are your experts!
What is LED Therapy?
At Treat Yourself Wellness Centre we use In Light Wellness Systems™. This is a photo-modulated (pulsed, light emitting diodes) device also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT). The infrared and visible red LEDs are the heart of the In Light Wellness Systems™ therapy system, providing gentle but powerful non-coherent light. In Light Wellness Systems™ uses a carefully timed sequence of settings, known as pulses, to create an environment in which change may occur more rapidly.
Brilliant Light Energy. NASA studies demonstrate cells exposed to LED light therapy exhibit a 150% increase in cellular metabolism suggesting enhanced cellular repair and vitality. Medical researchers across the globe are currently investigating a wide array of physiologic benefits produced by LED light therapy. LED light therapy is non-abrasive, non-invasive, painless, and restorative. It is safe in the clinic or at home for all ages and skin types.
Light Therapy has been established as a useful tool to:
Increase vascularity (circulation) by increasing the formation of new capillaries, which are additional blood vessels that replace damaged ones. New capillaries speed up the healing process by carrying more oxygen as well as more nutrients needed for healing and they can also carry more waste products away.
Stimulate the production of collagen: Collagen is the most common protein found in the body. Collagen is the essential protein used to repair damaged tissue and to replace old tissue. It is the substance that holds cells together and has a high degree of elasticity. By increasing collagen production less scar tissue is formed at the damaged site.
Stimulate the release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP): ATP is the major carrier of energy to all cells. Increases in ATP allow cells to accept nutrients faster and get rid of waste products faster by increasing the energy level in the cell. All food turns into ATP before the cells utilize it. ATP provides the chemical energy that drives the chemical reaction of the cell.
Increase lymphatic system activity: Edema, which is the swelling or natural splinting process of the body, has two basic components. The first is a liquid part, which can be evacuated by the blood system, and the second is comprised of the proteins that have to be evacuated by the lymphatic system. Research has shown that the lymph vessel diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be doubled with the use of light therapy. The venous diameter and the arterial diameters can also be increased. This means that both parts of edema (liquid and protein) can be evacuated at a much faster rate to relieve swelling.
Reduce the excitability of nervous tissue: The photons of light energy enter the body as negative ions. This calls upon the body to send positive ions, like calcium among others, to go to the area being treated. These ions assist in firing the nerves thereby relieving pain.
Stimulate fibroblastic activity that aids in the repair process: Fibroblasts are present in connective tissue and are capable of forming collagen fibres.
Increase phagocytosis: The process of scavenging for an ingesting dead or degenerated cells by phagocyte cells for the purpose of clean up. This is an important part of the infection fighting process. Destruction of the infection and clean up must occur before the healing process can take place.
Induce a thermal like effect in the tissue: The light raises the temperature of the cells through a photochemical reaction.
Stimulate tissue granulation and connective tissue projections: Part of the healing process of wounds, ulcers or inflamed tissues.
Stimulate acetyl choline release: Acetyl choline causes cardiac inhibition, vasodilatation, gastrointestinal peristalsis and other parasympathetic effects.
Here are some links to research about the benefits of Low Level Light therapy.
Treatment for Brain Diseases : Click Link https://www.seeker.com/led-light-therapy-could-radically-change-the-treatment-of-brain-diseas-2294712527.html
The effect of LED on blood micro circulation during chronic wound healing in diabetic and non-diabetic patients :
click link :https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10103-017-2189-7
Blue-violet light emitting diode (LED) irradiation immediately controls socket bleeding following tooth extraction: clinical and electron microscope PubMed - NCBI Click Link :https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21495857
The Nature Things with David Suzki Click Link: http://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/episodes/the-brains-way-of-healing
At Treat Yourself Wellness Centre we use In Light Wellness Systems™. This is a photo-modulated (pulsed, light emitting diodes) device also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT). The infrared and visible red LEDs are the heart of the In Light Wellness Systems™ therapy system, providing gentle but powerful non-coherent light. In Light Wellness Systems™ uses a carefully timed sequence of settings, known as pulses, to create an environment in which change may occur more rapidly.
Brilliant Light Energy. NASA studies demonstrate cells exposed to LED light therapy exhibit a 150% increase in cellular metabolism suggesting enhanced cellular repair and vitality. Medical researchers across the globe are currently investigating a wide array of physiologic benefits produced by LED light therapy. LED light therapy is non-abrasive, non-invasive, painless, and restorative. It is safe in the clinic or at home for all ages and skin types.
Light Therapy has been established as a useful tool to:
Increase vascularity (circulation) by increasing the formation of new capillaries, which are additional blood vessels that replace damaged ones. New capillaries speed up the healing process by carrying more oxygen as well as more nutrients needed for healing and they can also carry more waste products away.
Stimulate the production of collagen: Collagen is the most common protein found in the body. Collagen is the essential protein used to repair damaged tissue and to replace old tissue. It is the substance that holds cells together and has a high degree of elasticity. By increasing collagen production less scar tissue is formed at the damaged site.
Stimulate the release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP): ATP is the major carrier of energy to all cells. Increases in ATP allow cells to accept nutrients faster and get rid of waste products faster by increasing the energy level in the cell. All food turns into ATP before the cells utilize it. ATP provides the chemical energy that drives the chemical reaction of the cell.
Increase lymphatic system activity: Edema, which is the swelling or natural splinting process of the body, has two basic components. The first is a liquid part, which can be evacuated by the blood system, and the second is comprised of the proteins that have to be evacuated by the lymphatic system. Research has shown that the lymph vessel diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be doubled with the use of light therapy. The venous diameter and the arterial diameters can also be increased. This means that both parts of edema (liquid and protein) can be evacuated at a much faster rate to relieve swelling.
Reduce the excitability of nervous tissue: The photons of light energy enter the body as negative ions. This calls upon the body to send positive ions, like calcium among others, to go to the area being treated. These ions assist in firing the nerves thereby relieving pain.
Stimulate fibroblastic activity that aids in the repair process: Fibroblasts are present in connective tissue and are capable of forming collagen fibres.
Increase phagocytosis: The process of scavenging for an ingesting dead or degenerated cells by phagocyte cells for the purpose of clean up. This is an important part of the infection fighting process. Destruction of the infection and clean up must occur before the healing process can take place.
Induce a thermal like effect in the tissue: The light raises the temperature of the cells through a photochemical reaction.
Stimulate tissue granulation and connective tissue projections: Part of the healing process of wounds, ulcers or inflamed tissues.
Stimulate acetyl choline release: Acetyl choline causes cardiac inhibition, vasodilatation, gastrointestinal peristalsis and other parasympathetic effects.
Here are some links to research about the benefits of Low Level Light therapy.
Treatment for Brain Diseases : Click Link https://www.seeker.com/led-light-therapy-could-radically-change-the-treatment-of-brain-diseas-2294712527.html
The effect of LED on blood micro circulation during chronic wound healing in diabetic and non-diabetic patients :
click link :https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10103-017-2189-7
Blue-violet light emitting diode (LED) irradiation immediately controls socket bleeding following tooth extraction: clinical and electron microscope PubMed - NCBI Click Link :https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21495857
The Nature Things with David Suzki Click Link: http://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/episodes/the-brains-way-of-healing
Relief at last!
I experienced a concussion that left me with really bad headaches. An example is when the barometer changes to much I feel awful and so I thought I would give this a try. It worked! I got relief from the tension and stabbing pain. I am so glad I tried LLLT because my neck, shoulders and head felt so much better! And my stomach stopped feeling like it was in knots. The room was was clean and the music was relaxing. Thanks so much and I will be back.
~Naomi M. ~
I experienced a concussion that left me with really bad headaches. An example is when the barometer changes to much I feel awful and so I thought I would give this a try. It worked! I got relief from the tension and stabbing pain. I am so glad I tried LLLT because my neck, shoulders and head felt so much better! And my stomach stopped feeling like it was in knots. The room was was clean and the music was relaxing. Thanks so much and I will be back.
~Naomi M. ~
What makes our Low Level Light Therapy Service Unique?
Our Low Level Light Therapy System Sings with Solfeggio Frequencies!
Solfeggio frequencies are a set of 9 electromagnetic tones that are reputed to have the power to heal and raise consciousness. They form the basis of many ancient sacred music traditions dating back as far as the 8th century, such as the Gregorian chants and Indian Sanskrit chants. Albert Einstein once said, "everything in our Universe is vibration." The atoms in our bodies, the molecules and atoms in inanimate objects, thoughts and sounds - all things in our Universe are in motion, vibrating . Even the planet itself vibrates and resonates at its own frequency. The human ear can only hear a limited range of vibrations per second. In sound science, the number of vibrations per seconds is known as "frequency", which is measured in Hz. The human ear is only capable of hearing sounds that vibrate at the frequency of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). Dolphins and bats are capable of hearing sound up to 100 kHz, so you can see how limited the human capacity for hearing sounds is. At the heart of solfeggio frequencies is the belief that the vibrational signature of certain sounds, ranging from 174 Hz to 963 Hz, can positively impact our mental, physical and spiritual health. Now that we've covered the basics of the science of sound, let's have a look at where Solfeggio frequencies came from.
What Are Solfeggio Frequencies?
While there's a number of different opinions on where the solfeggio frequencies originated, it's widely believed they were first introduced by a Benedictine Monk and music theorist named Guido d’Arezzo in the 10th Century. Guido d'Arezzo put music to a poem called "The Hymn To St John The Baptist." This hymn, which is a Gregorian chant, is the most widely celebrated example of the use of the solfeggio scale in ancient music. The six original tones of the solfeggio scale are all present in it. One of the oldest examples of the solfeggio frequencies.
This is the first stanza of The Hymn To St John The Baptist:
Ut queant laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum
Solve polluti
labii reatum
Sancte Johannes
You may notice that the musical scale of Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La is present, which forms the basis for our modern Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti scales used by musicians today.
Each scale holds a particularly frequency that can be measured in Hz. Here they are:
What's the difference between binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies?
Binaural beats are created by combining two different frequencies, and are believed to alter brain waves. Solfeggio frequencies are a series of specific one-tone frequencies that are believed to have healing properties.
The 9 Pure Solfeggio Frequency List
174 Hz - Relieves Pain, Tension And Stress
174 Hz is known as the healing frequency. This solfeggio frequency has the greatest impact on the physical body. This tone can be used in the following healing capacities:
285 Hz - Heals And Restores Inflamed Cells
The solfeggio frequency of 285 Hz has traditionally been associated with healing of the root chakra. Use this tone for its following healing properties:
396 Hz - Releases Fear And Guilt
Like 285 Hz, the solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz is associated with the root chakra. It's one of the lower tones on the solfeggio scale, but its importance can't be understated when it comes to healing the emotional body. In fact, it's one of the fundamental tones used in sound healing. Here are a few of the benefits of working with this powerful frequency:
417 Hz- Releases Negativity And Heals Trauma
417 Hz is the solfeggio frequency that corresponds to the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra can get blocked by traumatic life events, leading to repressed emotions and an inability to experience joy in life. Listening to this frequency can aid in unblocking this important energy center. Here's a few of the important benefits of listening to 417 Hz:
432 Hz - The Heartbeat Of The Earth
432 Hz is sometimes referred to as "the heartbeat of the Earth." In fact, some people believe that it's the frequency that's most in alignment with our planet, known as the Schumann resonance. When we connect with this tone, we are actually connecting to the energy and vibration of the Universe. These are the benefits of working with this powerful healing frequency:
528 Hz - The Love Frequency
528 Hz is sometimes referred to as "the love frequency" or "the miracle tone." It's one of the most widely celebrated of the solfeggio frequencies, and is associated with the solar plexus chakra. There's numerous examples of its use throughout history. For instance, John Lennon's Imagine was written in 528 Hz. Here are a few of the reputed benefits of this sound:
639 Hz - For Harmonious Relationships
639 Hz is the solfeggio frequency most associate with the heart chakra. As, such this is a powerful tone that has the ability to unblock the heart chakra, leading to more peace and positivity. Here's a few of the benefits of the 639 Hz tone:
741 Hz - Eliminates Toxins And Negativity
The solfeggio frequency of 741 Hz is know as 'ton sol.' It's associated with the throat chakra and is a great frequency to work with if you want to dispel negativity and open yourself to pure expression of your highest self. Here are a few of the benefits of listening to the frequency of 741 Hz:
852 Hz - Awaken Your Intuition
852 Hz is the solfeggio frequency associated with the third eye chakra. As such, it's said to hold the power of awakening intuition and enhancing a positive connection to your higher self. Here are a few of the benefits of 852 Hz:
963 Hz - The Pure Miracle Tone
963 Hz is the tone assigned to the crown chakra. It's sometimes referred to as "the God frequency" or "the miracle tone." This tone is said to awaken intuition and activate the pineal gland. Here's a few of the benefits of listening to this tone:
What Are Solfeggio Frequencies?
While there's a number of different opinions on where the solfeggio frequencies originated, it's widely believed they were first introduced by a Benedictine Monk and music theorist named Guido d’Arezzo in the 10th Century. Guido d'Arezzo put music to a poem called "The Hymn To St John The Baptist." This hymn, which is a Gregorian chant, is the most widely celebrated example of the use of the solfeggio scale in ancient music. The six original tones of the solfeggio scale are all present in it. One of the oldest examples of the solfeggio frequencies.
This is the first stanza of The Hymn To St John The Baptist:
Ut queant laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum
Solve polluti
labii reatum
Sancte Johannes
You may notice that the musical scale of Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La is present, which forms the basis for our modern Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti scales used by musicians today.
Each scale holds a particularly frequency that can be measured in Hz. Here they are:
- UT : 396 Hz
- Re = 417 Hz
- Mi = 528 Hz
- Fa = 639 Hz
- Sol = 741 Hz
- La = 852 Hz
What's the difference between binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies?
Binaural beats are created by combining two different frequencies, and are believed to alter brain waves. Solfeggio frequencies are a series of specific one-tone frequencies that are believed to have healing properties.
The 9 Pure Solfeggio Frequency List
174 Hz - Relieves Pain, Tension And Stress
174 Hz is known as the healing frequency. This solfeggio frequency has the greatest impact on the physical body. This tone can be used in the following healing capacities:
- To relieve physical pain in the body, particularly in the back, legs and feet.
- To relax muscles and lessen tension in the body.
- To relieve headaches.
- To reduce stress
285 Hz - Heals And Restores Inflamed Cells
The solfeggio frequency of 285 Hz has traditionally been associated with healing of the root chakra. Use this tone for its following healing properties:
- Heals and restores tissues. 285 Hz can be useful for healing cuts, burns and lacerations.
- Because of its association with the root chakra, this tone can enhance feelings of security and safety.
- Enhances the immune system.
396 Hz - Releases Fear And Guilt
Like 285 Hz, the solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz is associated with the root chakra. It's one of the lower tones on the solfeggio scale, but its importance can't be understated when it comes to healing the emotional body. In fact, it's one of the fundamental tones used in sound healing. Here are a few of the benefits of working with this powerful frequency:
- 396 Hz aids in reducing or eliminating fear based thinking. Because fear is one of the emotions that possesses a very low vibration, and low vibrations attract negative circumstances and outcomes, it's important to develop strategies for raising this vibrational frequency. Use this solfeggio frequency to raise your vibration and heal your emotional body.
- It heals feelings of guilt and doubt.
- Some believe that this frequency can transform grief into joy.
- 396 Hz can help when you are trapped in a spiral of negative thinking. Because it has a powerful effect on the emotional body, this frequency can aid in returning your thoughts to the higher vibrational state of positivity
417 Hz- Releases Negativity And Heals Trauma
417 Hz is the solfeggio frequency that corresponds to the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra can get blocked by traumatic life events, leading to repressed emotions and an inability to experience joy in life. Listening to this frequency can aid in unblocking this important energy center. Here's a few of the important benefits of listening to 417 Hz:
- It can help remove negative energy from your aura and environment.
- 417 Hz can heal shame and anger based thinking. Both of these emotions are conducive to attracting negative outcomes.
- It can aid in restful sleep.
- This solfeggio frequency can help you find the motivation to embrace change.
432 Hz - The Heartbeat Of The Earth
432 Hz is sometimes referred to as "the heartbeat of the Earth." In fact, some people believe that it's the frequency that's most in alignment with our planet, known as the Schumann resonance. When we connect with this tone, we are actually connecting to the energy and vibration of the Universe. These are the benefits of working with this powerful healing frequency:
- Heightens intuition and connection with the Universe.
- Can help release emotional blockages of all kinds.
- It can reduce anxiety, and has been proven to lower blood pressure.
528 Hz - The Love Frequency
528 Hz is sometimes referred to as "the love frequency" or "the miracle tone." It's one of the most widely celebrated of the solfeggio frequencies, and is associated with the solar plexus chakra. There's numerous examples of its use throughout history. For instance, John Lennon's Imagine was written in 528 Hz. Here are a few of the reputed benefits of this sound:
- Increases creativity.
- Reduces stress and hormone levels.
- Improves concentration.
- It can repair damaged DNA.
- It can increase feelings of positivity and love.
- It contains the vibration capable of healing the mind and the body.
639 Hz - For Harmonious Relationships
639 Hz is the solfeggio frequency most associate with the heart chakra. As, such this is a powerful tone that has the ability to unblock the heart chakra, leading to more peace and positivity. Here's a few of the benefits of the 639 Hz tone:
- It can help facilitate connections between opposites, which means it could have the power to restore balance to broken relationships.
- It can promote clarity of thought and help you better express your emotions.
- It can heighten your levels of tolerance for dealing with challenging situations.
741 Hz - Eliminates Toxins And Negativity
The solfeggio frequency of 741 Hz is know as 'ton sol.' It's associated with the throat chakra and is a great frequency to work with if you want to dispel negativity and open yourself to pure expression of your highest self. Here are a few of the benefits of listening to the frequency of 741 Hz:
- It can heal emotional blockages and allow you to express yourself authentically.
- It can dispel toxins and negativity in yourself and your environment.
- It repels anger, jealousy and lies.
- It can detox the body from pollutants including viruses, fungi, bacteria and electromagnetic toxins.
- It can help awaken intuition.
852 Hz - Awaken Your Intuition
852 Hz is the solfeggio frequency associated with the third eye chakra. As such, it's said to hold the power of awakening intuition and enhancing a positive connection to your higher self. Here are a few of the benefits of 852 Hz:
- It can facilitate a connection to your higher self and the ability to access your own inner guidance.
- It can help you return to spiritual order.
- It can help you cut through illusions and see the reality of situations.
- It's great for meditation, Reiki and astral projection.
963 Hz - The Pure Miracle Tone
963 Hz is the tone assigned to the crown chakra. It's sometimes referred to as "the God frequency" or "the miracle tone." This tone is said to awaken intuition and activate the pineal gland. Here's a few of the benefits of listening to this tone:
- It can provide a connection to source.
- It has the power to enhance your intuition.
- It can return any system to it's highest, most perfect order.
- It can significantly raise your vibration, which is key to manifesting positive circumstances and outcomes.
- Its a gateway to the infinite energy of the cosmos, and can help your experience a feeling of "oneness with all."
Enjoy the many benefits of solfeggio frequencies that are available within our
Low Level Light Therapy Systems to maximize your relaxation and healing!
Low Level Light Therapy Systems to maximize your relaxation and healing!
If this service sounds right for you please give us a call today at 519-339-8999 to book your appointment.
Cancellation Policy: We require 24 hours notice so that the cancellation fee need not apply.
Cancellation Policy: We require 24 hours notice so that the cancellation fee need not apply.
Disclaimer: The views expressed by Treat Yourself Wellness Centre and its associates of products, services, or publications are solely of their own person experiences. Mention, display or links to products and services does not signify recommendation or endorsement, but are shared for informational and educational purposes only. Always consult with your professional health care provider before beginning any health regimen. Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada. Treat Yourself Wellness Centre and In Light Wellness Systems™ devices are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The In Light Wellness Systems™ manufacturing facility is an FDA registered facility and subject to regulation and inspection requirements for safety and efficacy.
Treat Yourself Wellness Centre
141 Mitton St. S (Mitton Village) Sarnia Ontario N7T 3C5 Canada |
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9:30am to 7:00pm |
Toll Free (877) 882-1922
or call (519) 339-8999 email: [email protected] |
Support ~ Renew ~ Balance
The information shared is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experiences of Treat Yourself Wellness Centre (TYWC) and its community. TYWC encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the Food and Drug Administration. These services and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please only apply as you see fits to your own situation, for your own comfort.
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