Ion Foot Cleanse
Did you know?
"The Center for Disease Control (CDC) now reports that up to 95% of all chronic illnesses are caused by toxins and pollutants that are in our bodies.” If you can remove the toxins you can help ease the symptoms associated with all kinds of diseases like MS, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Autism, Auto-Immune diseases and the list goes on.
How Does This Affect You?
This is really not surprising when you consider that most North Americans have somewhere between 400 and 800 chemicals stored in their bodies, typically in fat cells. Tests show that body fat has contains residue of hundreds of chemicals. Metals, such as mercury, cadmium, an antimony are everywhere and impossible to avoid. Lead can block red blood cell formation. Chemicals can act as toxins that can block receptor sites on cells, cause changes in calcium homeostasis, selectively kill cells, and alter expression of gene products. Metals and chemical toxins weaken the immune system and cause increased vulnerability to virus, bacterial fungal and parasitic infections. In an attempt to detoxify these substances, our bowels, kidneys and liver are being overloaded. Our elimination channels have become blocked or dysfunctional, because, in conjunction with these synthetic chemicals, the western diet is so acid forming and de-vitalized. To relieve the strains on the kidneys and liver it is more important than ever to maintain a healthy supportive detoxification regimen. A study in last year’s British Medical Journal estimated that perhaps 75 percent of most cancers are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors, including exposure to chemicals. Another report, this one by the Columbia University School of Public Health, estimated that 95 percent of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity.
Three Things You Need to Know About Detoxification
1.) Cleansing is the key to Wellness and Fighting all Dis - Ease
2.) Ionic cleansing creates a feeling of well being throughout the entire body.
3.) Cleansing your body using Ionic energy is the most non-invasive method that gently relieves Stressors in the body that can cause many types of illness.
What is an Ion Foot Cleanse?
Since we are continually accumulating toxins from our environment, our foods, our thoughts, our lives. Regular, periodic detoxification is essential to keep our organs and tissues clear of poisons. In the past, we received all that we needed through the consumption of raw vegetables and light proteins but modern processing, storage and handling has virtually stripped the modern diet of this increasingly vital element. Gentle and relaxing detox sessions allow the body to uptake this "fuel of life", which is essential in balancing and re-energizing the body’s natural ability to purge toxins and heal itself. For example as you walk along the beach, your body absorbs millions of these ions, which alkalize the blood and tissue. Because of poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products, such as diacetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic, acetic, butyric, and hepatic acids. These acids create an acidic body which then can lead to a multitude of different dis-ease throughout our entire system. Just like salt does to our cars in the winter. Ion Cleanse history: Like all "new" things, it's actually old and time-tested and is now finally getting its time in the limelight. A German doctor in the 1830s began developing his theory of ions. By 1884, Svante August Arrhenius described the process by which negative ions could heal the body. Great results were achieved. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry in 1903. The latest version of the Ion Cleanse was refined in 2004. It is now used around the world for detoxifying and recharging the body in what we call a Yin-Yang balance. All you simply have to do is put your feet into the basin of water and we take care of the rest and you get to relax. The Ion Cleanse works to stimulate the removal of toxins from your body through its natural processes of elimination. Example of these are through your sweat glands, urine, bowels and skin. While having the Ion Cleanse it is raises the user’s pH to a more alkaline state. Why is this significant? By bringing your body back into a more balanced acid-alkaline state a greater sense of well being is felt. The Ion Cleanse generates a balance of negative and positive ions in the water. The device passes a direct gentle electrical current through the water to break apart the H2O (water) molecule. This creates a separation of the hydrogen and oxygen in the water as the ionic field is being created. This releases oxygen, stable hydrogen and the negative hydrogen ion** (H-). This negative hydrogen ion is a powerful antioxidant and pro-oxidant (in the presence of transitional metals), pH balancer and the catalyst most responsible for ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) production, our body’s greatest energy resource. During the ionizing process, through the process of osmosis, those ions are absorbed through the soles of your feet and they circulate throughout the body and re-balance the charge of your cells. An Ion Foot Cleanse sessions takes approximately 30 minutes.
**An ion (as found in the ion foot bath is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron, thus creating a magnetic field capable of neutralizing oppositely-charged particles (in the case of the foot bath, toxins in the human body).
"The Center for Disease Control (CDC) now reports that up to 95% of all chronic illnesses are caused by toxins and pollutants that are in our bodies.” If you can remove the toxins you can help ease the symptoms associated with all kinds of diseases like MS, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Autism, Auto-Immune diseases and the list goes on.
How Does This Affect You?
This is really not surprising when you consider that most North Americans have somewhere between 400 and 800 chemicals stored in their bodies, typically in fat cells. Tests show that body fat has contains residue of hundreds of chemicals. Metals, such as mercury, cadmium, an antimony are everywhere and impossible to avoid. Lead can block red blood cell formation. Chemicals can act as toxins that can block receptor sites on cells, cause changes in calcium homeostasis, selectively kill cells, and alter expression of gene products. Metals and chemical toxins weaken the immune system and cause increased vulnerability to virus, bacterial fungal and parasitic infections. In an attempt to detoxify these substances, our bowels, kidneys and liver are being overloaded. Our elimination channels have become blocked or dysfunctional, because, in conjunction with these synthetic chemicals, the western diet is so acid forming and de-vitalized. To relieve the strains on the kidneys and liver it is more important than ever to maintain a healthy supportive detoxification regimen. A study in last year’s British Medical Journal estimated that perhaps 75 percent of most cancers are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors, including exposure to chemicals. Another report, this one by the Columbia University School of Public Health, estimated that 95 percent of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity.
Three Things You Need to Know About Detoxification
1.) Cleansing is the key to Wellness and Fighting all Dis - Ease
2.) Ionic cleansing creates a feeling of well being throughout the entire body.
3.) Cleansing your body using Ionic energy is the most non-invasive method that gently relieves Stressors in the body that can cause many types of illness.
What is an Ion Foot Cleanse?
Since we are continually accumulating toxins from our environment, our foods, our thoughts, our lives. Regular, periodic detoxification is essential to keep our organs and tissues clear of poisons. In the past, we received all that we needed through the consumption of raw vegetables and light proteins but modern processing, storage and handling has virtually stripped the modern diet of this increasingly vital element. Gentle and relaxing detox sessions allow the body to uptake this "fuel of life", which is essential in balancing and re-energizing the body’s natural ability to purge toxins and heal itself. For example as you walk along the beach, your body absorbs millions of these ions, which alkalize the blood and tissue. Because of poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products, such as diacetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic, acetic, butyric, and hepatic acids. These acids create an acidic body which then can lead to a multitude of different dis-ease throughout our entire system. Just like salt does to our cars in the winter. Ion Cleanse history: Like all "new" things, it's actually old and time-tested and is now finally getting its time in the limelight. A German doctor in the 1830s began developing his theory of ions. By 1884, Svante August Arrhenius described the process by which negative ions could heal the body. Great results were achieved. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry in 1903. The latest version of the Ion Cleanse was refined in 2004. It is now used around the world for detoxifying and recharging the body in what we call a Yin-Yang balance. All you simply have to do is put your feet into the basin of water and we take care of the rest and you get to relax. The Ion Cleanse works to stimulate the removal of toxins from your body through its natural processes of elimination. Example of these are through your sweat glands, urine, bowels and skin. While having the Ion Cleanse it is raises the user’s pH to a more alkaline state. Why is this significant? By bringing your body back into a more balanced acid-alkaline state a greater sense of well being is felt. The Ion Cleanse generates a balance of negative and positive ions in the water. The device passes a direct gentle electrical current through the water to break apart the H2O (water) molecule. This creates a separation of the hydrogen and oxygen in the water as the ionic field is being created. This releases oxygen, stable hydrogen and the negative hydrogen ion** (H-). This negative hydrogen ion is a powerful antioxidant and pro-oxidant (in the presence of transitional metals), pH balancer and the catalyst most responsible for ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) production, our body’s greatest energy resource. During the ionizing process, through the process of osmosis, those ions are absorbed through the soles of your feet and they circulate throughout the body and re-balance the charge of your cells. An Ion Foot Cleanse sessions takes approximately 30 minutes.
**An ion (as found in the ion foot bath is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron, thus creating a magnetic field capable of neutralizing oppositely-charged particles (in the case of the foot bath, toxins in the human body).
As someone who has a passion for health, the human body, taking care of my body and helping others do the same; I want to share about my experience at Treat Yourself Wellness Center in Sarnia. I have now been for two sessions of X'Tract, which is a lymphatic cleanse, and two Ion Foot Cleanses and loved my experience! Being someone who frequently works out at the gym and has a busy life, I definitely feel the inflammation in my body! Not to mention all the chemicals we are exposed to daily, that we are unaware of. It is great to help the body detox in a natural way. After my X'Tract and foot cleanse there is no better way to describe it than simply feeling lighter and relaxed. I highly recommend you check this Awesome Wellness place out!
Frequently Asked Questions about Ion Foot Cleansing
Why should I cleanse using this system?
Today most of the food, air and water we drink carries some form of toxins. Even if you are eating an organic or raw diet and drinking filtered water there are many toxins that have become part of our daily environment. These toxic elements are stressors that can build up over time causing a number of health related issues. Decreasing the stress load in your body can only improve the quality of your life.
Imagine what can happen to your symptoms of dis-ease if stress is removed?
Supporting the channels of detoxification can lead to a healthier renewal of your cells and a better balance within your entire body. This means that the elimination of toxic substances stored in your cells, muscles and fat tissue will lead to an increase of your energy, stamina and peak performance. Many our clients have reported that they have greatly improved their quality of life through simply having regular Ion Foot Cleanse sessions.
How often can I have a session?
Between the ages of 4 and 65, it’s recommended every other day. Over 65 the recommendation is every third day.
Why can’t I have a session everyday?
Daily sessions may create a healing crisis as the bodies detoxifying systems come into balance. This may cause excessive fatigue. So we recommend giving your body the opportunity to catch up by spreading out your sessions.
How many should I have to do before I notice any benefits?
That is relative to your current state of health, age, diet, lifestyle and amount of stress you are dealing with. Some of our clients have noted improvements after 1-5 sessions while other clients have told us it has taken between 10 - 15 sessions to see the over all improvements they were looking for. We have performed over 150,000 Ion Foot Cleanses and the average feedback from our clients has between 5 - 10 sessions no longer then 2 - 6 days in between each session to feel the accumulated benefits. Some Clients will also semi or bi annual series of Ion Foot Cleanses. All of our Clients use the Ion Foot Cleanses in a self directed way according to there levels stress.
How does my body detoxify in the water?
This detoxification occurs through perspiration via the skin. Your skin is the second largest detoxifying system in the body after the lungs. An energized and balanced body will naturally be able to detoxify at a higher rate, thereby protecting itself from further toxins, pollutants and viruses.
Why does the water color change?
Due to the interaction of the toxins from the body along with the metals from the array when creating an ionic field within the water bath. Understand though that the water will change color regardless of whether there is a person in the water or not, due to the metallurgic reaction of the array and the polarization of the solids and minerals in the water. However, there will normally be two-three times the cellular debris within the water when the session is combined with a client. What is more important to know is that by doing an Ion Foot Cleanse your own body's ability to excrete metabolic waste is increased over the next few days. This is why our clients report feeling "better" or "lighter" after having a session.
Why does the water color vary from session to session?
Variations occur due to each individual’s energy state and toxicity levels as toxins in the body are re-ionized at the molecular level and react with the metals of the array.
What do different colors indicate?
Some practitioners correlate color changes with areas of the body that are detoxifying. Using the MSA (Bio-Meridian Stress Assessment) in clinical evaluations and feedback from other practitioners, we see the correlation between the organs imbalance and the water colors. However, without further extensive testing being conducted, which would be financially prohibitive and medically invasive (biopsy) this is clinically and scientifically difficult to prove. Water analysis documentation from several treatments has shown a dramatic increase in material in the water after a session.
Why do I have to drink the water that was given to me?
As the Ion Cleanse assists the release of stress from the body so it is very important to re-hydrate the body. We strongly encourage you drink 8-12 oz of water with a pH Balance of 7- 7.5.
Can I touch the array during a session?
Absolutely, this will not alter the treatment in any way. However, remaining relatively still will enhance the viewing of the toxins being emitted from the body as they float to the top of the water bath.
Can I use the Ion Foot Cleanse while taking prescription drugs?
Most doctor prescribed medicines will not cause any harm but the decision is best left up to you and your physician. If your not sure we recommend consulting your physician prior to use.
Should I take off my jewellery?
Any jewellery that will be in the water bath should be removed.
Are Ion Foot Cleanses safe to use for everyone?
It is recommended for anyone over the age of 4. It is however not recommended for pregnant women, those with any implanted electrical devices (pace maker, cochlear implant, etc ) or open foot wounds. If the foot has an open wound we can do the hands instead. If you are interested in doing an Ion Foot Cleanse with any of these conditions please consult with your Doctor to determine if this is right for you. We recommend that people with low blood sugar or diabetes should eat before having an Ion Foot Cleanse or eat immediately after. We do ask that you do not use any computer or cellular or portable phone during an Ion Foot cleanse as it will alter the effectiveness of your session.
Why do some clients feel tired after a session?
Some clients may experience fatigue as the body’s detoxification process accelerates itself. This will balance itself as the body expels the toxins and regenerates itself. After the load is processed the client reports feeling better then before they started.
What is the function of the array?
The array is the conductive transfer unit of the direct current into the water which generates the ionic field and hence transfers the energy into the body.
What are the bubbles coming from the array?
The bubbles are the separation of the hydrogen and oxygen in the water as the ionic field is being created.
Today most of the food, air and water we drink carries some form of toxins. Even if you are eating an organic or raw diet and drinking filtered water there are many toxins that have become part of our daily environment. These toxic elements are stressors that can build up over time causing a number of health related issues. Decreasing the stress load in your body can only improve the quality of your life.
Imagine what can happen to your symptoms of dis-ease if stress is removed?
Supporting the channels of detoxification can lead to a healthier renewal of your cells and a better balance within your entire body. This means that the elimination of toxic substances stored in your cells, muscles and fat tissue will lead to an increase of your energy, stamina and peak performance. Many our clients have reported that they have greatly improved their quality of life through simply having regular Ion Foot Cleanse sessions.
How often can I have a session?
Between the ages of 4 and 65, it’s recommended every other day. Over 65 the recommendation is every third day.
Why can’t I have a session everyday?
Daily sessions may create a healing crisis as the bodies detoxifying systems come into balance. This may cause excessive fatigue. So we recommend giving your body the opportunity to catch up by spreading out your sessions.
How many should I have to do before I notice any benefits?
That is relative to your current state of health, age, diet, lifestyle and amount of stress you are dealing with. Some of our clients have noted improvements after 1-5 sessions while other clients have told us it has taken between 10 - 15 sessions to see the over all improvements they were looking for. We have performed over 150,000 Ion Foot Cleanses and the average feedback from our clients has between 5 - 10 sessions no longer then 2 - 6 days in between each session to feel the accumulated benefits. Some Clients will also semi or bi annual series of Ion Foot Cleanses. All of our Clients use the Ion Foot Cleanses in a self directed way according to there levels stress.
How does my body detoxify in the water?
This detoxification occurs through perspiration via the skin. Your skin is the second largest detoxifying system in the body after the lungs. An energized and balanced body will naturally be able to detoxify at a higher rate, thereby protecting itself from further toxins, pollutants and viruses.
Why does the water color change?
Due to the interaction of the toxins from the body along with the metals from the array when creating an ionic field within the water bath. Understand though that the water will change color regardless of whether there is a person in the water or not, due to the metallurgic reaction of the array and the polarization of the solids and minerals in the water. However, there will normally be two-three times the cellular debris within the water when the session is combined with a client. What is more important to know is that by doing an Ion Foot Cleanse your own body's ability to excrete metabolic waste is increased over the next few days. This is why our clients report feeling "better" or "lighter" after having a session.
Why does the water color vary from session to session?
Variations occur due to each individual’s energy state and toxicity levels as toxins in the body are re-ionized at the molecular level and react with the metals of the array.
What do different colors indicate?
Some practitioners correlate color changes with areas of the body that are detoxifying. Using the MSA (Bio-Meridian Stress Assessment) in clinical evaluations and feedback from other practitioners, we see the correlation between the organs imbalance and the water colors. However, without further extensive testing being conducted, which would be financially prohibitive and medically invasive (biopsy) this is clinically and scientifically difficult to prove. Water analysis documentation from several treatments has shown a dramatic increase in material in the water after a session.
Why do I have to drink the water that was given to me?
As the Ion Cleanse assists the release of stress from the body so it is very important to re-hydrate the body. We strongly encourage you drink 8-12 oz of water with a pH Balance of 7- 7.5.
Can I touch the array during a session?
Absolutely, this will not alter the treatment in any way. However, remaining relatively still will enhance the viewing of the toxins being emitted from the body as they float to the top of the water bath.
Can I use the Ion Foot Cleanse while taking prescription drugs?
Most doctor prescribed medicines will not cause any harm but the decision is best left up to you and your physician. If your not sure we recommend consulting your physician prior to use.
Should I take off my jewellery?
Any jewellery that will be in the water bath should be removed.
Are Ion Foot Cleanses safe to use for everyone?
It is recommended for anyone over the age of 4. It is however not recommended for pregnant women, those with any implanted electrical devices (pace maker, cochlear implant, etc ) or open foot wounds. If the foot has an open wound we can do the hands instead. If you are interested in doing an Ion Foot Cleanse with any of these conditions please consult with your Doctor to determine if this is right for you. We recommend that people with low blood sugar or diabetes should eat before having an Ion Foot Cleanse or eat immediately after. We do ask that you do not use any computer or cellular or portable phone during an Ion Foot cleanse as it will alter the effectiveness of your session.
Why do some clients feel tired after a session?
Some clients may experience fatigue as the body’s detoxification process accelerates itself. This will balance itself as the body expels the toxins and regenerates itself. After the load is processed the client reports feeling better then before they started.
What is the function of the array?
The array is the conductive transfer unit of the direct current into the water which generates the ionic field and hence transfers the energy into the body.
What are the bubbles coming from the array?
The bubbles are the separation of the hydrogen and oxygen in the water as the ionic field is being created.
Infrared Salt Tower
In the room where our Ion Foot Cleanse services are performed we also have an Infrared Salt Tower to enhance your relaxation experience. What is an Infrared Salt Tower you might ask? It combines Himalayan Salt & Infrared Technology to maximize your health and wellness goals!
Himalayan Salt lamps are natural negative ion generators. At any given time, there are both positive and negative ions in the air. Negative ions occur more often in nature and they are often created by things like lightening storms, sunlight, waterfalls, and ocean waves. This is one of the reasons people often report feeling renewed or refreshed after a storm or at the beach. Positive ions are often created by electronic devices like computers, TVs, microwaves, and even vacuum cleaners and can often exacerbate problems like allergies, stress and sleep trouble. Negative ions can neutralize positive ions (they bond together) and help cleanse the air. Plus things like airborne mold, bacteria, and allergens often carry a positive charge, they too can be neutralized by negative ions. Henceforth the Infrared Salt Tower can have many a positive health benefits! This unique combination of salt and infrared, which generates a heated light source, in the salt lamp is what can maximize the benefits of the negative ions. Salt is hygroscopic, meaning that it attracts water to its surface and this water evaporates quickly due to the small amount of heat from the infrared light source. The negative ions are generated during the evaporation process. The more heat and the more Himalayan salt, the more powerful and beneficial the effects become. Thus making the Himalayan Infrared Salt TowerTM 100 times more powerful than a regular Himalayan salt lamp.
In the room where our Ion Foot Cleanse services are performed we also have an Infrared Salt Tower to enhance your relaxation experience. What is an Infrared Salt Tower you might ask? It combines Himalayan Salt & Infrared Technology to maximize your health and wellness goals!
Himalayan Salt lamps are natural negative ion generators. At any given time, there are both positive and negative ions in the air. Negative ions occur more often in nature and they are often created by things like lightening storms, sunlight, waterfalls, and ocean waves. This is one of the reasons people often report feeling renewed or refreshed after a storm or at the beach. Positive ions are often created by electronic devices like computers, TVs, microwaves, and even vacuum cleaners and can often exacerbate problems like allergies, stress and sleep trouble. Negative ions can neutralize positive ions (they bond together) and help cleanse the air. Plus things like airborne mold, bacteria, and allergens often carry a positive charge, they too can be neutralized by negative ions. Henceforth the Infrared Salt Tower can have many a positive health benefits! This unique combination of salt and infrared, which generates a heated light source, in the salt lamp is what can maximize the benefits of the negative ions. Salt is hygroscopic, meaning that it attracts water to its surface and this water evaporates quickly due to the small amount of heat from the infrared light source. The negative ions are generated during the evaporation process. The more heat and the more Himalayan salt, the more powerful and beneficial the effects become. Thus making the Himalayan Infrared Salt TowerTM 100 times more powerful than a regular Himalayan salt lamp.
If this service sounds right for you please give us a call today at 519-339-8999 to book your appointment.
The Ion Foot Cleanse does not heal or cure disease or any condition. It works to de-stress the body by balancing the positive and negative ion availability to the body. This process of ionization can then assist in reducing the stress associated to toxic build up within the body. If your stress is due to toxic build-up then the Ion Foot Cleanse may assist in reducing the symptoms associated to your dis-ease but certainly not cure it. Clients have reported to us that using the Ion Foot Cleanse has given them a greater sense of well-being and reduced there stress. The views expressed by Treat Yourself Wellness Centre and its associates of products, services, or publications are solely of their own personal experiences. Mention, display or links to products and services does not signify recommendation or endorsement, but are shared for informational and educational purposes only. Always consult with your professional health care provider before beginning any health regimen.
The Ion Foot Cleanse does not heal or cure disease or any condition. It works to de-stress the body by balancing the positive and negative ion availability to the body. This process of ionization can then assist in reducing the stress associated to toxic build up within the body. If your stress is due to toxic build-up then the Ion Foot Cleanse may assist in reducing the symptoms associated to your dis-ease but certainly not cure it. Clients have reported to us that using the Ion Foot Cleanse has given them a greater sense of well-being and reduced there stress. The views expressed by Treat Yourself Wellness Centre and its associates of products, services, or publications are solely of their own personal experiences. Mention, display or links to products and services does not signify recommendation or endorsement, but are shared for informational and educational purposes only. Always consult with your professional health care provider before beginning any health regimen.
Treat Yourself Wellness Centre
141 Mitton St. S (Mitton Village) Sarnia Ontario N7T 3C5 Canada |
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9:30am to 7:00pm |
Toll Free (877) 882-1922
or call (519) 339-8999 email: [email protected] |
Support ~ Renew ~ Balance
The information shared is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experiences of Treat Yourself Wellness Centre (TYWC) and its community. TYWC encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the Food and Drug Administration. These services and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please only apply as you see fits to your own situation, for your own comfort.
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