Ion Foot Cleanse with VibroAcoustic Therapy
Prepare to expand your healing process with the use of vibroacoustic therapy in one of our Harmonic Chairs. Vibroacoustic Therapy a.k.a. sound therapy or frequency therapy, has been used successfully all over the world for centuries. It is really catching on in modern medicine because scientists have finally created instruments that can measure how and why frequency healing works. In essence, everything in the world is made up of energy. We are all constantly vibrating masses of microscopic particles that are always in motion. Every object, person and organ has a healthy vibration rate called resonance. If that vibration is out of resonance, dis-ease results. These imbalances can be treated.
Ancient texts detail the human energy system, where the energy centers are located and what part of the system those centers work with. They also describe how imbalances in those centers can affect our emotional, mental and physical states. With today’s modern technology we have specific frequency healing tools that are complimentary to each other and modern medicine with no negative side effects to help assist the body’s ability to correct those imbalances.
To receive the healing benefits of vibroacoustic therapy you sit in one of the Harmonic Chairs while having your Ion Foot Cleanse. The Harmonic Chair is showering your body with low sound frequencies waves allowing you to simply reduce stress and pain all the while recharging your energy. The sound waves help harmonize you, clear the mind, reset muscles and balance you mind and body. How this works is while sitting on the Harmonic Chair, frequencies are directly introduced into the body at intervals along the spine. The spinal cord carries vibration to the emotional processing areas of the brain for a deeper healing response on a cellular level, allowing for a heightened healing response. Our body is two thirds water. If you've ever placed a watery sack over a loudspeaker you will have seen how the vibrations ripple through the entire sack, this is what they would do in the body. These vibrations create an internal massage that can make parts of your body that usually can't be reached accessible, such as your nerves, lungs, glands, heart, deep blood vessels and brain tissue. So the fact that we are mostly water allows sound waves to travels five times faster through water than through air thus the healing possibilities are endless.
Neuro-acoustic studies have shown marked response from sound therapy alone, measurable by biofeedback, electroencephalograms, blood pressure diagnostics, blood chemistry-screening tests and other brain mapping equipment. Sound travels into the ear engaging the mechanics of the middle ear to send signals to the 8th cranial nerve, which communicates directly to the temporal lobe of the brain that recognizes the sound. Healing tones are known to aid in relaxation, stress reduction, improved circulation, cellular balance, increased vitality, better focus and productivity, improved sleep patterns, and emotional as well as physical healing.
Vibroacoustic therapy is often used to reduce stress, decrease pain, muscle aches, reduce anxiety, headaches, better detox results by relaxing the body, reduce fatigue and depression, increase relaxation, reduce stress of Parkinson tremors, improve range of motion, aid in sensory awareness development, increase communication skills, promote calmness, treat insomnia and for general rehabilitation, and has also been used in psychotherapy, pain management, increases oxygen levels, improves overall personal well-being, geriatric rehab and hospice care. The massaging sound frequencies have also helped patients with digestive problems, back, shoulder and neck pains, menstrual pains, menopause, recovery from surgery, and stroke rehabilitation.
See why this has quickly become the hottest new therapy for wellness and is used by top athletes, celebrities and people like you to reduce stress so you can feel your best!
Ancient texts detail the human energy system, where the energy centers are located and what part of the system those centers work with. They also describe how imbalances in those centers can affect our emotional, mental and physical states. With today’s modern technology we have specific frequency healing tools that are complimentary to each other and modern medicine with no negative side effects to help assist the body’s ability to correct those imbalances.
To receive the healing benefits of vibroacoustic therapy you sit in one of the Harmonic Chairs while having your Ion Foot Cleanse. The Harmonic Chair is showering your body with low sound frequencies waves allowing you to simply reduce stress and pain all the while recharging your energy. The sound waves help harmonize you, clear the mind, reset muscles and balance you mind and body. How this works is while sitting on the Harmonic Chair, frequencies are directly introduced into the body at intervals along the spine. The spinal cord carries vibration to the emotional processing areas of the brain for a deeper healing response on a cellular level, allowing for a heightened healing response. Our body is two thirds water. If you've ever placed a watery sack over a loudspeaker you will have seen how the vibrations ripple through the entire sack, this is what they would do in the body. These vibrations create an internal massage that can make parts of your body that usually can't be reached accessible, such as your nerves, lungs, glands, heart, deep blood vessels and brain tissue. So the fact that we are mostly water allows sound waves to travels five times faster through water than through air thus the healing possibilities are endless.
Neuro-acoustic studies have shown marked response from sound therapy alone, measurable by biofeedback, electroencephalograms, blood pressure diagnostics, blood chemistry-screening tests and other brain mapping equipment. Sound travels into the ear engaging the mechanics of the middle ear to send signals to the 8th cranial nerve, which communicates directly to the temporal lobe of the brain that recognizes the sound. Healing tones are known to aid in relaxation, stress reduction, improved circulation, cellular balance, increased vitality, better focus and productivity, improved sleep patterns, and emotional as well as physical healing.
Vibroacoustic therapy is often used to reduce stress, decrease pain, muscle aches, reduce anxiety, headaches, better detox results by relaxing the body, reduce fatigue and depression, increase relaxation, reduce stress of Parkinson tremors, improve range of motion, aid in sensory awareness development, increase communication skills, promote calmness, treat insomnia and for general rehabilitation, and has also been used in psychotherapy, pain management, increases oxygen levels, improves overall personal well-being, geriatric rehab and hospice care. The massaging sound frequencies have also helped patients with digestive problems, back, shoulder and neck pains, menstrual pains, menopause, recovery from surgery, and stroke rehabilitation.
See why this has quickly become the hottest new therapy for wellness and is used by top athletes, celebrities and people like you to reduce stress so you can feel your best!
Calming and Relaxed
I had a very stressful couple of days and was so wound up I just needed to relax. I found just that by having an Ion Foot Cleanse with VibroAcoustic Therapy. I was able to feel myself unwind and my body become so relaxed that I actually fell asleep while having the service. I will definitely be back for more. And thanks for providing a relaxing environment to match.
~Cindy S.~
I had a very stressful couple of days and was so wound up I just needed to relax. I found just that by having an Ion Foot Cleanse with VibroAcoustic Therapy. I was able to feel myself unwind and my body become so relaxed that I actually fell asleep while having the service. I will definitely be back for more. And thanks for providing a relaxing environment to match.
~Cindy S.~
Infrared Salt Tower
In the room where our Ion Foot Cleanse services are performed we also have an Infrared Salt Tower to enhance your relaxation experience. What is an Infrared Salt Tower you might ask? It combines Himalayan Salt & Infrared Technology to maximize your health and wellness goals!
Himalayan Salt lamps are natural negative ion generators. At any given time, there are both positive and negative ions in the air. Negative ions occur more often in nature and they are often created by things like lightening storms, sunlight, waterfalls, and ocean waves. This is one of the reasons people often report feeling renewed or refreshed after a storm or at the beach. Positive ions are often created by electronic devices like computers, TVs, microwaves, and even vacuum cleaners and can often exacerbate problems like allergies, stress and sleep trouble. Negative ions can neutralize positive ions (they bond together) and help cleanse the air. Plus things like airborne mold, bacteria, and allergens often carry a positive charge, they too can be neutralized by negative ions. Henceforth the Infrared Salt Tower can have many a positive health benefits!
This unique combination of salt and infrared, which generates a heated light source, in the salt lamp is what can maximize the benefits of the negative ions. Salt is hygroscopic, meaning that it attracts water to its surface and this water evaporates quickly due to the small amount of heat from the infrared light source. The negative ions are generated during the evaporation process. The more heat and the more Himalayan salt, the more powerful and beneficial the effects become. Thus making the Himalayan Infrared Salt TowerTM 100 times more powerful than a regular Himalayan salt lamp.
In the room where our Ion Foot Cleanse services are performed we also have an Infrared Salt Tower to enhance your relaxation experience. What is an Infrared Salt Tower you might ask? It combines Himalayan Salt & Infrared Technology to maximize your health and wellness goals!
Himalayan Salt lamps are natural negative ion generators. At any given time, there are both positive and negative ions in the air. Negative ions occur more often in nature and they are often created by things like lightening storms, sunlight, waterfalls, and ocean waves. This is one of the reasons people often report feeling renewed or refreshed after a storm or at the beach. Positive ions are often created by electronic devices like computers, TVs, microwaves, and even vacuum cleaners and can often exacerbate problems like allergies, stress and sleep trouble. Negative ions can neutralize positive ions (they bond together) and help cleanse the air. Plus things like airborne mold, bacteria, and allergens often carry a positive charge, they too can be neutralized by negative ions. Henceforth the Infrared Salt Tower can have many a positive health benefits!
This unique combination of salt and infrared, which generates a heated light source, in the salt lamp is what can maximize the benefits of the negative ions. Salt is hygroscopic, meaning that it attracts water to its surface and this water evaporates quickly due to the small amount of heat from the infrared light source. The negative ions are generated during the evaporation process. The more heat and the more Himalayan salt, the more powerful and beneficial the effects become. Thus making the Himalayan Infrared Salt TowerTM 100 times more powerful than a regular Himalayan salt lamp.
If this service sounds right for you please give us a call today at 519-339-8999 to book your appointment.
Treat Yourself Wellness Centre
141 Mitton St. S (Mitton Village) Sarnia Ontario N7T 3C5 Canada |
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 9:30am to 7:00pm |
Toll Free (877) 882-1922
or call (519) 339-8999 email: [email protected] |
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The information shared is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experiences of Treat Yourself Wellness Centre (TYWC) and its community. TYWC encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the Food and Drug Administration. These services and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please only apply as you see fits to your own situation, for your own comfort.
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